Content-wise, you will have the same stuff as the person who will have purchased the GOTY edition. He also points out that since the GOTY edition doesn’t include any new content, anyone who owns the base game already should “consider buying the Season Pass, as it will be the more economical option. Luckily, Momot went on in a later post to confirm that those of us playing The Witcher 3 on PC will be able to use our old saves. “The save files on consoles won’t be compatible between different game versions (GOTY vs regular version) as they are treated by systems as separate products. The news came to light when CD Projket Red’s community Lead Marcin Momot posted it on the game’s official forums, saying, If you’ve been waiting for The Witcher 3 Game of the Year Edition rather than buying all the DLC, you should know that your old console saves won’t work with the new edition. Your old Witcher 3 console save games won’t work with the upcoming Game of the Year Edition.